Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 1 :)

Blog Sunday 23rd June

This is it. Saturday, the big day, the day we leave for five weeks to Peru. What an adventurous day it was! Our first plane was scheduled to leave from Montreal at 17h45. After we boarded all together, we met with one of our classmates, Camila, who was taking the same flight as us! Such a great coincidence, what are the odds? Since we had a lot of time, we decided to go to the airport bar and watch the soccer game. We left the restaurant 20 minutes before boarding time but, as we were walking up, we hear the final call for OUR FLIGHT! WE NEVER RAN THAT FAST IN OUR LIFE (maybe Charles did haha). Fortunately, we got there on time and were able to get to Miami. There, it took us about 40 minutes to get to our gate: we had to walk from one extremity of the huge airport to the other after taking the skytrain. Luckily, we had four hours to transit so we had time to eat at caretta, which means CHÂRETTE. Despite the fact that we did not know that there was an hour difference between Miami and Peru and that the final flying hour felt like a hundred years, we finally got to Lima at around 7h10 in the morning. The administrator of the Hogar, Mario, was there to welcome us. We had breakfast all together in the airport and then took the micro-bus to the Hogar. Sincerely, this was one of the scariest rides I have ever been on. In the short hour drive, we almost killed three children, one dog, one bird, a motorcyclist and a police officer. But we made it. Fortunately, our reaction to the Hogar erased all our fears. In fact, although it is not exactly what we were expecting, we are in the process of adaptation, which should not take much long because the people here are EXTREMELY WELCOMING AND WARM. I mean, they made beautiful cards to welcome us to the Hogar. How much nicer could you be? Also, we LOVE the rooftop terrace and decided to have supper together every night to have the opportunity to share our daily experiences and bond with our housemates from Germany, Felicitas and Rubin. Monday and tuesday we will have the opportunity to visit Lima and the neighboring regions and, knowing us, it will be funny so let's keep in touch! Oh. And. BONNE SAINT JEAN! :)

- Karol Samman 

Us running for the plane :P

1 comment:

  1. Ah ah ah ah les filles ;)
    pour l'aéroport de Miami je vous en avais parlé! C'est tellement mal fait, ça nous fait courir d'un bout à l'autre constamment ;)

    Pour leur façon de couduire, c'est tout le temps comme ça dans le Sud ;) A Cube, au Mexique, partout ca conduit comme ça hihih

    amusez vous bien, vous me manquez :) <3
